Tripp Lanier – “Did David Deida Screw Up Mission and Purpose?”

Have you been asking yourself, ‘Whats my lifes purpose?”. And maybe you’ve driven yourself crazy trying to figure out what to DO, what goal to accomplish, to begin living your purpose? And In the end, you just can’t seem to find that perfect answer and  and it leaves you feeling lost and confused?

Tripp Lanier , mens Coach and host of  The New Man podcast, tackles this problem in his  article, “Did David Deida Screw Up mission and purpose?’. He  first states that purpose is WHY we do everything-its  why we cure cancer, go surfing, have children, and join the circus.

Tripp talks about having a small self – and a big self. The small self is rooted in fear, and whose purpose may be to stay safe, or avoid being alone, or prove that your good enough-  The smalls selfs purpose , or WHY it does what it does,  is to feel Safe and In Control.

On the other hand, He says the Big Self’s purpose, or why,  is to experience deep joy, happiness, love, and connection-GOOD, GOOD Feelings! And this good that the big self feels is more aligned with God, or whatever you want to call that which is bigger than us but includes us.

Tripp then says YOUR  PURPOSE is to experience a FEELING-  these GOOD, GOOD  feelings of deep love, joy, and connection- and NOT to accomplish a certain goal! Its not about DOING SOMETHING. Whoa, take a second and think about that….Ok.

He says this GOOD FEELING tells us we’ve hit the bullseye, and allows us to know we have hit the mark! From this standpoint, we can begin to see which actions, relationships, or endeavors are helping us experience this Good feeling. And we can consciously let go of the goals, behaviors and choices that don’t.

Tripp says its essential to know your  unique talents and gifts, or strengths,  that connect you with the Good feeling-those things you do that give you DEEP PLEASURE. Your strengths then can become part of your MISSION. – which is the FORMULA you  follow to experience the GOOD FEELING. Tripp says ‘Our purpose — to experience this Good feeling — is always going to be there. It’s the basis for all that we do. BUT-How we get there — the mission — can and will change over time.

Here is a way to look at it. There is a cat named Missi. And she wants to be turned on to deep love, connection, and joy. She feels this when she is pet. The petting turns ‘Missi On’ to love, connection, and joy, and what does she begin to do, as a result of this mission? Purr! She becomes a Purring Puss-Or PURR PUSS!,  Her PURPOSE is fulfilled! To get pet was her mission, and her purpose, is the GOOD FEELING of being loved and connected!

HOW she feels her purpose can change. She may find that her owner doesn’t rub her the right way anymore and so she goes to the couch or maybe the local house rat – to get pet . She has found her PURR PUSS stays the same, but her mission, or how she feels her purpose, can change over time! The same happens with YOU!


Nick Navatta

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