San Diego Graphic Recording Event – Working at the 26th annual NASPP with Computershare

San Diego Graphic Recording Event – Computershare.

On September 25-27th, 2018, I participated in the 26th annual NASPP (National Association of Stock Plan Professionals) event held in San Diego, CA. I was brought on by  Computershare to create a graphic recording for their booth attendees.First of all, the graphic recording was created to center around event attendee’s replies to a proposed question. That question was:

‘How do you inspire employees to participate in your ESPP?’

Computershare wanted to specifically know what attendees were doing to get their employees excited about their company’s stock plan. Attendees detailed out different ways they inspired employees to participate in their Employee Stock Purchase Plans.

Details About My Graphic Recording Experience With Computershare

Before the event, I created the design below for the above question. This graphic was printed at the top of the card that event attendees wrote their replies on.

Likewise, I also drew this image on the large wall to grab the attention of the event attendees.  Attendees would answer the question on a card and I would take their reply and draw it onto the wall. Along with answering the question, they were also entered into a drawing for an Amazon Echo. It seemed like it was a fun and engaging way to connect with people. There were many conversations sparked by the presence of Computershare’s graphic wall.

For the replies, I focused on readability first. After that, I added a visual ‘cartoon’ to each reply. The wall was around 7ft tall and 10ft wide with plenty of space to fill. I chose two colors(a purple and a blue) close to the Computershare brand colors to record the text. The drawings were created  with black, gray, and complimentary colors. I focused on creating scenes that were people and scene focused as opposed to symbolic drawings. As a result, this allowed for some fun visual storytelling.

Finally, I photographed the wall and helped Computershare get a clean, edited photograph. Computershare plans to use the image of the graphic wall in their marketing efforts.

All in all, I really enjoyed working with Computershare. It was a pleasure to create fun and engaging graphics for their attendees.

If you’re interested in talking to me about doing something similar at an upcoming event of your own, contact me.  We will set up a call and see what’s possible.

Thanks for reading!

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