Extractomatic Flier and Postcard For 2022 HFMA Conference

These are two pieces-a postcard and a flier- were created for Extractomatic (https://extractomatic.com) as they attended the annual HFMA (Healthcare Management Financial Association) conference, located in Denver, CO in 2022. 

This was a ‘two-pronged’ project, with the first piece being a postcard which served as a lighter, simpler quick handout for conference attendees. The postcard gave them general and important information in a playful format with all the relevant information they needed to act on if they were interested in contacting Extractomatic. Additionally, there is a QR code that allows the postcard recipient to check out a video commercial I created with Extractomatic. Click here if you’re interested to read and learn more about that video project!

Postcard Front
Postcard Back

The second piece is a more detailed, drawn-out deeper dive in the form of a flier. The flier has more developed visuals, illustrates more points, and goes into depth about the benefits of working with Extractomatic instead of relying on custom development for hospital software needs.

During the creation of the flier, we talked about working to show how Extractomatic connects different people within the hospital ecosystem-from doctors, to nurses, to CFOs-all backed by Extracto (the red robot) and the Extractomatic team.

Flier Front
Flier Back

At the core of the visual storytelling is ‘Extracto’, the red robot that represents the Extractomatic software, who looks like a combination of Wall-E and a Roomba vacuum-but with multi-functional arms to interact with his environment. 

Extracto, key team members of the Extractomatic team, and role players at and within a hospital combine to tell the story of how Extractomatic and team can help hospitals get to the most important data when they need it most!

The postcard and flier worked to relay a pointed but playful marketing and branding effort that stood out on the conference floor at the 2022 HFMA conference.

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