Tally And Mass: Before and After Ad

These two images-a before and after shot- were created for Tally and Mass (https://www.tallymass.com/) for their SEO content service, Content Blast! 

For the visuals, we focused on making the ‘problem’ square representative of a typical, disengaged meeting where one employee even watches an entertaining but distracting cat video! The leader is ‘gung ho’ and serious but his team is obviously in a ‘meh’ state of disengagement. For the ‘solution’ square, you then see the same leader and team on the same page, ‘lit up’ and engaged once the Content Blast! blaster has entered the scene and worked its magic!

The Problem - 'No Content Ideas' (Before)
The Solution - 'Content Blast!' (After)

The idea behind Content Blast! is that it can help you eliminate the guessing game of SEO and instead generate clear and precise search terms that lead to results. This, plus make things more meaningful, fun, and rewarding for those that use the service.

Austin, the CEO of Tally and Mass, was looking for a ‘before and after’ visual story/comic-style graphic that could serve the dual purpose of functioning as an online ad and visual explainer for how simply and powerfully Content Blast! operates. He used the imagery as part of a pitch to a larger company, who would temporarily acquire and operate the Content Blast! service. 

This project was straightforward, quick, and simple. It relied on my ‘comic making’ skills which matched up great with the Content Blast! vibe. The spirit of the Content Blast! product and Austin’s excitment about it lended this to a quick, effective project for all. 

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