The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz “Build Confidence, Destroy Fear”

The Magic of Thinking Big-Build Confidence and Destroy Fear

Do you ever find yourself taking action to build confidence in some area of your life, and even after taking the action, still feel that you don’t have the confidence you want? You ACT, but it still feels like somethings missing, like there is a BIG HOLE in your confidence?

In the Magic of Thinking Big, David Schwarts states “Much lack of self-confidence can be traced directly to MISMANAGED memory.”

He goes onto say, “Your brain is like a bank. Every day you make thought deposits in your ‘mind bank’. These thoughts grow and become your memory.” And when we face a problem, you say to your memory, “What do I already know about this?

He says you have an internal Mr. Teller, who is perfectly responsive, and lets you withdraw the thought deposits you want to withdraw! Meaning, if you’ve put thoughts of confidence, or fear, into your account, either one you draw upon is immediately available to you.

Schwartz says you only want to deposit and withdraw positives. It is your own internal MANAGER who is making these deposits and withdrawls with the teller. I think we have two kinds of managers.

The first, his name is ROB and he is all about FEAR. He withdraws all the positives from your account and leaves you in the negative! Meaning, he DOESN”T GIVE YOU CREDIT -for anything positive in your life . He doesn’t give-he only TAKES AWAY, or ROBS from what you already have!

The other manager, her name is IVE, or ‘I’ve’. This could mean “I HAVE”. If she feels like she already HAS a lot, she can only GIVE YOU CREDIT . Anything she deposits is POSIT-IVE!

Schwartz says -“Your memory is the basic supplier of raw material for your new thought”. Any deposits IVE makes are based on the confidence she feels that you ALREADY HAVE! Its not the amount itself, its how you feel ABOUT the amount you do have!

You can know that Rob is robbing you of positives and causing you to forget your confidence, when you feel Fear, or APPREHENSION, and allow it to overtake you. Funny, that word apprehension also means to understand. So, when you are fearful, understand that Rob is in action not giving you credit for the confidence you do have, and it is up to you, as the WITNESS, to APPREHEND him so that he can be ARRESTED-or to GIVE ROB A REST! This DESTROYS FEAR.

Then allow your inner IVE to GIVE YOU CREDIT and begin TAKING INTO ACCOUNT all the positives you have in your life, so that you have plenty to withdraw. This will allow you to BUILD CONFIDENCE.”

If you ever find yourself not feeling so confident, for your practice, take a second and filli out this sentence ten times , focusing on even the smallest instances of confidence in your life.

“I have___ to celebrate, appreciate, and to be confident about in my life”

Nick Navatta


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