What is Callibrain?

Callibrain. It’s the company I’ve been working for for the last 2.5 years and this video, What is Callibrain?, is the latest (and last) demo video I created for the company. I am leaving Callibrain at the beginning of 2016 and going onto the next venture, whatever that may be! So, let me talk about the video.

This was the third demo video I created as part of Team Callibrain, and it was created around the end of 2014. The messaging at that time was a bit different than it is now, as well as the product itself. After creating 2 whiteboard demo videos, I suggested we create a more classic motion-graphics video. I used After Effects to create the animation effects and Final Cut Pro for editing. We wanted to show how a company would actually use the product, so we focused not only the solution and the benefits of Callibrain, but how it works inside an imagined company(based on how we mostly used it internally at Callibrain). This video took about 2 months to produce, going through several iterations and feedback rounds.

My favorite part of this video was playing with how the story was told and creating the characters, and adding sound effects to have them come alive. Go ahead, give it a watch! Here is the video:

Thank you for watching,


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