Become a part of The Alliance

The Alliance by Reid Hoffman is a sharp and smart book. This is a book written by the CEO of the biggest business and professional social media platform, LinkedIn. I really liked reading this book. It has a lot of great concepts to take action on, and I imagine it being very powerful for those who do take action and implement some of its principles. As for creating this book review, I took a more straightforward approach and let the information be the star of the show over the illustrations.

I don’t think it is one of my favorite reviews that we created, but I do think its information is some of the best. I especially like the ideas of negotiating very clear agreements and expectations up front with employees, and making it all explicit. So many companies and workplaces are not even in touch with this kind of thing. I love the idea of Tours of Duty, where shared objectives are explicitly agreed upon by employees and managers, and these objectives are agreed upon with input from both parties. Reid Hoffman wrote a book I will refer to in the future!

Here is the review for The Alliance by Reid Hoffman:

Thank you for watching!


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