People Follow You, Yes YOU

People Follow You by Jeb Blount is a great book. Great because it’s positive, the concepts are both high-level and actionable, and it is relevant to our world today. The thing I liked most about creating this review was playing with the 5 levers of leadership in a visual way. I think it is important to come up with a couple good ‘hooks’ in every review and I felt this was a strong one.

In the review, a woman leader is making the rounds with her team, demonstrating ‘high-touch’ leadership, and in every cell, she has her hand on a lever. In the middle of the page, there is a wheel/gear-like item which she is pulling/pushing by engaging with the lever. The idea I wanted to convey hear was that she was ‘hands-on’ and engaged. If I remember the book correctly, a lot of the book is about being aware of yourself and your impact on others and this is a step to getting  people to follow you. Through influence and care rather than coercion.

Another great thing about creating this review was that Jeb Blount himself commented on our video and loved it! That feels great to hear and to receive praise from the author himself!

Here is the review for People Follow You by Jeb Blount:

Thank you for watching!


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