First Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham | Animated Book Review

Above is the animated book review I created for First Break All The Rules By Marcus Buckingham while the Creative Director for Callibrain.

First Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham is a book that you will want to read if you manage people and you want to get some ‘inside pointers’ from a great source. What I like about this book is it provides people who manage others with a ‘place to come from’, when it comes to understanding being effective as a manager and understanding people.

Marcus Buckingham helps you do this by providing ‘stages’-from Basecamp to Camp 3-that help you check-in with the 12 Gallup ‘engagement questions’ and their corresponding requirements for fulfillment. If you get answers with a ‘5’ or strongly agree in response to each question, the employee is engaged at that level. Each level encompasses a certain amount of questions, and it helps because a manager has to get confirmation before assuming a person/employee is engaged. Pretty deep and smart stuff if you ask me!

My favorite part of creating this First Break All The Rules review was playing with illustrating how the process I talked above, works. I drew a ruler, to indicate ‘measuring’ engagement, which also happens to have 12 inches, or the #12 on it. From there I transferred the 12 engagement questions over to it, going from bottom to top and then was able to illustrate the ‘stages’ of engagement’ over to the right side of the ruler, using the mountain metaphor the author used. It was fun!


Thank you for watching!


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